
To isolate a malfunction, proceed as follows:

  • Clearly define the problem (or symptom) and when it occurs.

  • Locate the problem in the Troubleshooting table.

  • Review all possible causes. Then, one-at-a-time, work through the list of corrections until the problem is solved.

Problem Cause Solution
Product not holding temperature






Doors/drawers left open

Keep doors/drawers closed except to load and serve product

Product held too long

Hold product only for recommended times

Control temperature set too low

Increase air temperature (CDT control only)


Increase thermostat setting by removing hole plug on control panel and turning the shaft clockwise with a screwdriver

With switch in ON position the cabinet is completely inoperative


Unit not connected to electrical supply Plug cord into electrical outlet
Open breaker or fuse Reset breaker or install new fuse in junction box

Faulty cord or plug

Check cord and plug

Faulty power switch Check power switch