Special Programming

To access the Special Program Mode: Press and hold the temperature button, then turn the power switch on.

  1. “ºF” or “C” will show in the display. To toggle between Fahrenheit and Celsius, press and release the UP or DOWN buttons. (ON or OFF buttons on the humidity controls).

  2. After entering the Special Program Mode, press and release the temperature button once and “int” shows in the display. Press and hold the UP or DOWN button (ON or OFF buttons on the humidity controls), and the display will count down “In3”, “In2”, “In1”. This will reinitialize the controls and set all controls to 0.

  3. After entering the Special Program Mode, press and release the temperature button twice, and “Cal” shows in the display, followed by the current probe temperature. The probe can be calibrated + 10º F, and can be changed by using the UP and DOWN buttons. (ON or OFF buttons on the humidity controls.)

  4. After entering the Special Program Mode, press and release the temperature button three times, and “P=L”, or “P=U”, shows in the display. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to toggle between L (lock) and U (unlock).

  5. After entering the Special Program Mode, press and release the temperature button three times, and “OP” shows in the display. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to toggle between “888” and a blank display. “888” turns all heat outputs on, and a blank display turns them off.