Changing Sound Alerts

Unique sounds can be set for alerts to notify you of problems. Navigation: Home > Cabinet Settings > More Sound Settings (swipe down). See Operating Controls.

Tap the Lock icon to unlock editing. A password screen displays. Type 1122, and then tap the Green Checkmark to continue, or Back arrow to exit without making a change. When finished, tap the Lock icon to lock editing.

  1. Tap OPEN. The Audio Configuration screen displays.

  2. Use the Left and Right Arrows to select a sound for each alert:

    • Use the Green Right Arrow to test the sound.

    • Use the Blue Square icon, with Up and Down Arrows, to set alert to repeat once, twice, or three times.

    • Use the Blue Square icon, play continuously option is available for the Discard Alert sound only.

  3. Tap the Green Checkmark to save and continue, or Red X to exit without making a change.