Starting and Canceling a Timer

Navigation: Home > GO. See Operating Controls.

Once new product is loaded into the tray, place in the appropriate bin, and start a new timer for the bin. NOTE: Product, rows, and bin parameters are managed in the Recipe Book menu. NOTE: The dots below the timer indicate multiple products are setup for the same timer. Swipe left or right to switch product. When a product tray is empty, cancel the timer.

  1. Tap a menu item to start a timer. A countdown timer displays on the bin. NOTE: If two timers are started for the same timer, the first timer started is green, and the second is dark gray.

  2. Tap the same timer again, and the timer pauses.

  3. Tap the timer again to reduce the cook time by 5 minutes, each tap.

  4. Tap the Red X to restart the timer or the Green Checkmark to cancel the timer. NOTE: If you wait, and do not make a selection, the timer resumes.