
To exit the Program Mode at any time, press and hold right Program button for 2 seconds.

Selecting a Product to Program

  1. Press and hold right Program button for one second until “PROG” displays, followed by “ENTER CODE”.

    If no buttons are pressed within approximately 2 minutes while in the Program Mode, the controls will revert back to the Cook Mode.

  2. Enter code 1, 2, 3. “SELECT PRODUCT…PRESS PROG” scrolls across the display.

  3. Press and release the desired product button (1 to 10).

    Press Down arrow button to copy a product, erase a product, preset a product, erase all products, or preset all products.

  4. Press and release right Program button. The name of that product displays. Ex. “ NAME“FRIES”.

  5. Changing Product Names

  6. Press and release Up and Down arrow buttons and first letter or digit, starts flashing.

  7. Press and release Up and Down arrow buttons to change flashing letter.

  8. To continue to the next letter, press right Program button . Then, press Up and Down arrow buttons to change this letter.

  9. Repeat step 7 until up to 7 letters are entered.

  10. Press and hold right Program button to exit Program Mode, or press and release right Program button until “PRELOAD” shows in display, to continue with Program Mode.

  11. Setting the Cook Time and Temperature

  12. The Preload Mode allows the operator to drop large pieces first, with the lid up, before loading the rest of the product. The preload cycle always regulates to the Step 1 cook temperature. Press Up and Down arrow buttons to set a pre-load time, or press right Program button if no pre-load is desired.

  13. Press and release right Program button nd “1. COOK TIME” displays along with preset time. Press Up and Down arrow buttons to change the time. The time shows in minutes and seconds. Press and hold the buttons, and the time will jump by 5 second increments to a maximum of 59:59.

  14. Press and release right Program button and “1. TEMP” displays, along with the preset temperature on the right side of display. Press Up and Down arrow buttons  to change the temperature.

  15. Press and hold the buttons and the temperature will jump by 5 degree increments to a max. of 380°F (193ºC), and a min. of 190°F (88ºC).

  16. Press and release right Program button and “1. PRESSURE” displays along with “YES” or “NO”. Press Up and Down arrow buttons to build pressure in the first step, or not.

  17. Press and release right Program button and “2. STEP 2 AT” shows in display, along with a step 2 time. If no step 2 is desired, set time to “0:00” and press right Program button. If a step 2 is desired, press Up and Down arrow buttons and set a time.  Then, press right Program button to set the temperature and pressure.

    Up to 10 steps can be programmed for a product, repeating the above step for each cooking step.

  18. Setting the Alarm

  19. Press and release right Program button and “ALARM – 1 AT 0:00” displays. Press and release Up and Down arrow buttons to set an alarm. Ex: If a Cook Cycle was set at 3 minutes, and an alarm was to go off after 30 seconds into the Cook Cycle, “2:30” would be set in the display at this time. When the timer counts down to 2:30 the alarm sounds.

  20. After the alarm time is set, press right Program button  and “ALARM” and “TYPE” flashes in the display, with the alarm type on the right side of the display. “TIME”, “SHAKE”, “STIR”, “ADD”, and “LID” can be set by pressing Up and Down arrow buttons. An alarm sounds and alarm type flashes, prompting the operator to shake the basket, stir the product, or add product. If “TIME” is selected, the time remaining flashes in the display. If “LID” is selected, “CLOSE LID” flashes in the display.

    The timer count-down pauses until the lid is closed and Timer button is pressed to restart the timer.

    Up to 4 alarms can be programmed. After the first one is set, the other alarms can be accessed by pressing right Program button again.

  21. Setting the Quality Timer

  22. Press and release right Program button until “QUALITY TMR” displays along with the preset holding time. Press and release Up and Down arrow buttons to adjust the holding time, up to 59:59.

  23. Setting the Load Compensation

  24. Press and release right Program button and “LOAD COMP” displays along with the load compensation value. This automatically adjusts the time to account for the size and temperature of the cooking load. Press and release Up and Down arrow buttons to change this value to a max. of 20 and a min. of 0, or “OFF”. Preset at factory at 5.

  25. Press and release right Program button and “LCOMP REF” displays (if load compensation is set to “OFF”, then “_ _ _” shows in display) along with the load compensation average temperature. This is your average cooking temperature for the products you cook. The timer speeds up at temperature above this setting and slows down at temperatures below this setting. Press Up and Down arrow buttons and release to change this value.

    Or, to use the cooking setpoint temperature as the load compensation reference point, press Up arrow button until “STEP-X” and “TEMP” flashes in the display. Now for example, if the cooking temperature is 350°, the timer speeds up when the oil temperature is above 350, and slows down when the temperature is below 350.

    Setting Pulse Control (PC) Factors per Product

  26. Press and release right Program button and “COOKING RISE ADJ” displays along with the proportional temperature. This setting helps keep the oil from overshooting the setpoint temperature. The default setting is 0. Press the Up and Down arrow buttons to change this value from 0 up to 50 degrees.

  27. Go to Idle after Done?

  28. Press and release right Program button and “GO TO IDLE, AFTER DONE” displays, along with “YES” or “NO”. Press Up and Down arrow buttons  to toggle between YES and NO.

  29. Filter Cycle Mode (Optional)

  30. For “FILTER AFTER” to appear in the Product Program Mode, the Filter Tracking must be enabled in the Special Program Mode. You have the option to program “mixed” (each product has its own filter count) or “global” (all products have the same count).

    Press right Program button.

    1. “2,Mixed”

      “FILTER AFTER” displays, along with the preset number of Cook Cycles.

      Press and release Up and Down arrow buttons until the desired number of Cook Cycles between filters displays. For example, if 4 is set for a product, each time that product is selected, it counts 1/4, or 25%. Then each time a product is cooked, the percentages add up until 100%, or more is reached. Then display shows “FILTER SUGGESTED”.

    2. “3,GLOBAL”

      “FILTER INCL” displays, along with “NO” or “YES”

      Press and release Up and Down arrow buttons to “YES” if that product is to be included in the filter count, or “NO” if it is not.

Copying or Erasing Pre-set Products

Products and their setpoints can be copied from one menu location on the controller to another location, preset the controls to factory settings, or erase products and all their values.

  1. Press and hold right Program button  for one second until “PROG” displays, followed by “ENTER CODE”.

  2. Enter code 1, 2, 3. “SELECT PRODUCT…PRESS PROG” scrolls across the display, followed by “DOWN” FOR OPTIONS”

  3. Press Down arrow button and “**OPTION**”, followed by “*1. COPY A PROD” shows in display. Press again, Down arrow button each time, to view the following options:

    *1. COPY A PROD

    *2. A PROD


    *4. ERASE ALL

    *5. PRESET ALL

  4. To select one of the above options, press right Program button while the desired option shows in display. Selecting PRESET A PROD, or PRESET ALL PROD sets factory setpoints in those menu items. Selecting PRESET A PROD, or PRESET ALL PROD sets factory setpoints in those menu items.

    Press Left info button at any time to exit the options menu, or wait 30 seconds and controller automatically exits.

  5. The following are examples of copying products:

    1. Press right Program button to select the presently displayed “COPY A PROD” option. “COPY TO ” shows in display. The first set of “_” is blinking. Select the product you wish to copy from, for example, by pressing the2 product button:

      “COPY 2 TO ” shows in display.

    2. Next, press product you want to copy to, for example, by pressing 0 product button. The controller responds with a confirmation message:

      “COPY 2 TO 0?” “1=YES 2=NO”

    3. Press 1 product button  (YES) and the controller copies product #2 to the product #0 position (the #2 product is left intact) and the display shows “* COPIED *”, then returns to the “Select Prog Product” step with the #0 product already selected.

    4. Press 2 product button (NO), or don’t press any button for 20 seconds, the controller displays “X CANCELED X” and abandons the copy process. In this case no changes are made.

  6. The following are examples of erasing products:

    1. On the “Select Prog Product” step, press Down arrow button.

      “** OPTIONS **” followed by “*1. COPY A PROD” shows in display.

    2. Press Down arrow button three more times to reach the “Erase All” option:

      “*2. ERASE A PROD” “*3. PRESET A PROD” “*4. ERASE ALL”

    3. Press  right Program button to select the presently displayed “ERASE ALL” option. The controller responds with a confirmation message:

      “ERASE ALL PROD ?” “1=YES 2=NO”

    4. Press 1 product button (YES) to confirm that you want to erase all products back to “empty” values. The controller responds by erasing each product individually...

      “ERASING 1”

      “ERASING 2”

      “ERASING 3”

      “ERASING 4”

      “ERASING 5”

      “ERASING 6”

      “ERASING 7”

      “ERASING 8”

      “ERASING 9”

      “ERASING 0”

      Then briefly displays “* ALL ERASED *” and finally, returns to the “Select Prog Product” display.