Special Programming
The Special Program Mode is used to set more detailed programming.
Entering Special Programming Mode:
Press and hold the program button for five seconds until “LEVEL 2” followed by “SP PROG” and “ENTER CODE” show in the display.
Enter code 1, 2, 3, and “SP-1” “TEMP” “FORMAT” show in the displays. NOTE:If a bad code is entered, a tone sounds and “BAD CODE” shows on the display. Wait a few seconds, the controls revert back to the cook mode, and repeat the above steps.
To exit from the Special Program Mode at any time, press and hold the program button for 2 seconds.

Program Code |
Description |
SP-1 |
Temperature: Degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius |
SP-2 |
Language: English, Greek “EΛΛHNIKA”, Russian “РУССКИИ”, Swedish “SVENSKA”, German “DEUTSCHE”, Portuguese “POR- TUG.”, Spanish “ESPANOL”, or French “FRANCAIS”. |
SP-3 |
System Initialization (Factory Presets) |
SP-4 |
Audio Volume (Loudness) |
SP-5 |
Audio Tone (Frequency) |
SP-6 |
Melt Cycle Selection - 1.LIQUID; 2.SOLID |
SP-7 |
Idle Mode Enabled - YES or NO |
SP-7A |
Use “0” for IDLE |
SP-7B |
Auto Idle Minutes |
SP-7C |
Idle Set-Point Temperature |
SP-8 |
Filter Tracking Mode - 1.MIXED or 2.GLOBAL |
SP-8A |
Suggest Filter At... - 75% to 100% (MIXED) |
SP-8B |
Filter Lockout Enabled? - YES or NO (MIXED) |
SP-8A |
Left Vat Filter Cycles - 0 to 99 (GLOBAL) |
SP-8B |
Right Vat Filter Cycles - 0 to 99 (GLOBAL) |
SP-8C |
Filter Lockout Enabled? - YES or NO (GLOBAL) |
SP-9 |
Polish Time Duration - X:XX M:SS |
SP-10 |
Change Pad Reminder Time - XX HRS |
SP-11 |
Clean-Out Time - XX MIN |
SP-12 |
Clean-Out Temperature - XXX °F or °C |
SP-13 |
Cooking User IO - After Cook Cycle, previous menu item or “——” displays |
SP-14 |
Number of Baskets - 2-BASKETS or 4-BASKETS |
SP-15 |
Show Cooking Indicator - YES or NO |
SP-16 |
2nd Language: English, Greek “EΛΛHNIKA”, Russian “РУССКИИ”, Swedish “SVENSKA”, German “DEUTSCHE”, Portuguese “POR- TUG.”, Spanish “ESPANOL”, or French “FRANCAIS”. |
SP-17 |
2nd Audio Volume |
SP-18 |
Energy Save Enabled? - YES or NO |
SP-19 |
Fryer Type - GAS or ELECTRIC |
SP-20 |
Vat Type - SPLIT or FULL |
SP-21 |
Autolift Enabled? - NO LIFT or YES LIFT |
SP-22 |
Bulk Oil Supply? - YES SUPL or NO SUPL |
SP-23 |
Direct Oil Dispose? - YES DISP or NO DISP |
SP-24 |
Serial No. of Fryer |
SP-25 |
Change Mgr. Code- 1 = YES |
SP-26 |
Change Usage Code - 1 = YES |
SP-27 |
Dispose Requires Code ? - YES or NO |
SP-28 |
Longer Fill Time Enabled - YES or NO |
SP-29 |
Let User Exit Fill? - YES or NO |
SP-30 |
Skip ‘SKIM’ Prompt? - YES or NO |
SP-31 |
2-Stage Wash Enabled? - YES or NO |
Special Programming Procedures
Menu Step |
Description |
SP-1 Temperature |
The left display flashes “SP-1” and “TEMP”, “FORMAT”. Press the up or down arrow to choose °F or °C. |
SP-2 Language |
Press and release the right arrow until “SP-2” “LANGUAGE” flashes on the left display. Press the up or down arrow to select desired language. |
SP-3 System Initialization |
Press and release the right arrow until “SP-3” “DO SYSTEM INTI” flashes in the display, along with “INIT” on the right display. To reset the controls to factory default settings, press and hold “✓” button and con- trols count down “IN 3”, “IN 2”, “IN 1”. Once “-INIT-” and “*DONE*” displays, the controls are reset to factory defaults. |
SP-4 Audio Volume |
Press and release the right arrow until “SP-4” “VOLUME” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow, or product buttons, to adjust the speaker volume, 10 being loudest and 1 being the most quiet. |
SP-5 Audio Tone |
Press and release the right arrow until “SP-5” “TONE” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow, or product buttons, to adjust the tone of the speaker, 2000 being the maximum value and 50 being the minimum. |
SP-6 Melt Cycle Selection |
Press and release the right arrow until “SP-6 MELT CYCLE SELECT” scrolls in the left display. Unless solid oil is being used in the vats, the right display should show “1.LIQUID”. If solid shortening is used, the unit must be equipped to handle solid oil. Use the up or down arrow to change the right display to “2.SOLID”. |
SP-7 Idle Mode Enabled |
An Idle Mode allows the oil temperature to drop to a lower temperature when not in use. This saves on oil and utilities. Press and release the right arrow until “SP-7” “IDLE MODE ENABLED?” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow to choose “YES” or “NO”. With “YES” in the display, press the right arrow and “SP-7A” “USE ‘0’ FOR IDLE” flashes on the left display. Press the up or down ar- row to select “YES” or “NO”. If “YES” is selected, an Idle Mode can be programmed for product 0 . Press the down arrow and “SP-7B” “AUTOIDLE MINUTES” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow, or use the product buttons, to set the time (0 to 60 minutes) fryer stays idle before auto-idle is enabled. Ex., “30” means, if product is not cooked in that vat for 30 minutes, the control automatically cools the oil |
down to the idle set-point temperature. Press the right arrow and “SP- 7C” “IDLE SETPT” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down ar- row, or use the product buttons, to set idle temperature 200°F to 375°F (93°C to 191°C). |
SP-8 Filter Tracking Mode |
Filter Tracking signals the operator when the oil needs filtering by count- ing the number of Cook Cycles between filters. Press and release the right arrow until “SP-8” “FILTER TRACKING MODE” shows in the display. Use the up or down arrow to choose either “1.MIXED” filter tracking or “2.GLOBAL”. NOTE: GLOBAL means all the products have the same number of cook cycles between filters MIXED means each product may be set with different number of cook cycles between filters. The controls add the cycle count (see example below) and when the counts equal 1 or greater, filtering is suggested. Ex., 1 load of fish. 2 loads of french fries, a load of chicken equals 1. 1/2 + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/4 = 1
If MIXED is selected, press the right arrow and SP-8A” “SUGGEST FIL- TER AT...” shows in the left display, and a value between 75% and 100 % shows on the right display. Press the up or down arrow to change this value. The lower the value, the sooner the control recommends to filter. Ex: If set to 75%, the control suggest filtering after 3/4 of the programmed cook cycles must be completed before the control suggest filtering. Press the right arrow and “SP-8B” “LOCKOUT ENABLED?” shows in the left display. Press the up or down arrow to choose “YES or “NO”. If set to “YES”, when controls suggest filtering, “FILTER LOCKOUT”/“YOU*MUST* FILTER NOW”, displays; more cook cycles are refused until vat is filtered. Press the right arrow and “SP-8C” “FILTER LOCK- OUT AT...” shows in left display and a value between 100% and 250% shows on right display. Press the up or down arrow to change this value. The lower the value, the sooner the “lockout” occurs. Ex., If set at 100%, “lockout” occurs when the cycle count reaches 1 or greater. Set at 200%, twice as many cycles are counted before “lockout” occurs. GLOBALIf GLOBAL is selected, press the right arrow. Split VatIf unit is a split vat, “SP-8A” “LEFT VAT FILTER CYCLES” shows in left display, and the number of cook cycles between filters shows on right display (0 to 99). Use the up or down arrow, or product buttons, to change this value. Press the right arrow and “SP-8B” “RIGHT VAT FILTER CYCLES” shows in the left display, and the number of cook cycles between filters shows on the right display (0 to 99). Press the right arrow and “SP-8C” “FILTER LOCKOUT ENABLED?” shows in the left display. Press the up or down arrow to choose “YES” or “NO”. If “YES” is selected, press the right arrow and the left display shows “SP-8D” “LEFT VAT LOCKOUT CYCLES” and the number of cook cycles before filter lockout shows on the right display (0 to 99). Use the up or down arrow, or product buttons, to change this value. Press the right arrow and left display shows “SP-8E” “RGHT VAT LOCKOUT CYCLES” and number of cook cycles before lockout shows in the right display (0 to 99). Use the up or down arrow, or product buttons, to change this value. Once this number of cook cycles is reached, “FILTER LOCKOUT”/“YOU *MUST* FILTER NOW”, shows in the display; more cook cycles are refused until vat is filtered. Full VatIf unit is a full vat, “SP-8A” and “FULL VAT FILTER CYCLES” shows in the left display, and the number of cook cycles between filters shows on the right display (0 to 99). Use the up or down arrow to choose “YES” or “NO”. Press the right arrow and “SP-8B” “FILTER LOCKOUT ENABLED?” shows in the left display. Press the up or down arrow to choose “YES” or “NO”. If set to “YES”, press the right arrow and the left display shows “SP-8C” “FULL VAT LOCKOUT CYCLES” and the number of cook cycles before filter lockout shows on the right display (0 to 99). Use the up or down arrow, or product buttons, to change this value. Once this number of cook cycles is reached, “FILTER LOCKOUT”/“YOU *MUST* FILTER NOW”, shows in the display; more cook cycles are refused until vat is filtered. |
SP-9 Polish Duration |
Press and the release the right arrow until “SP-9 POLISH TIME” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow, or product buttons, to change the polish time, from 0 to 10 minutes. |
SP-10 Change Filter Pad Re- minder Time |
Press and release the right arrow until “SP-10 CHANGE PAD RE- MINDER” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow, or prod- uct buttons, to change the time from 0 to 100 hours. |
SP-11 Clean- Out Time |
Press and release the right arrow until “SP-11 CLEAN-OUT TIME” flashes in left display. Press the up or down arrow, or product buttons, to change the time, from 0 to 99 minutes. |
SP-12 Clean- Out Temperature |
Press and release the right arrow until “SP-12 CLEAN-OUT TEMP” flashes in the left display. Press the up and down arrow, or product but- tons, to change the temperature, from 0 to 195°F (90°C). |
SP-13 Cooking User IO |
Press and release the right arrow until “SP-13 COOKING USER IO” flashes in the display. Press the up or down arrow to choose “SHOW- PREV” or “SHOW ”. Setting SP-13 to “SHOWPREV” means after a cook cycle, the last menu item cooked displays. “SHOW ” means after a cook cycles “ ” displays and a menu item needs selected before starting the next cook cycle. |
SP-14 Number Of Baskets |
Press and release the right arrow until “SP-14 NUMBER OF BASKETS” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow to choose 2 or 4 baskets per well. |
SP-15 Cooking Indicator |
Press and release the right arrow until “SP-15 SHOW COOKING INDI- CATR” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow to choose “YES” and during a cook cycle “*” shows which timer is counting down. Choose “NO” and “*” will not shows during a cook cycle. |
SP-16 2nd Language |
Press and release the right arrow until “SP-16 2ND LANGUAGE” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow to selected the desired 2nd language. NOTE: By settings a 2nd language in the controls, 2 languages can now be chosen by pressing the program button during normal operation. One language shows in the right display. Pressing ✓ selects the lan- guage in the display. |
SP-17 2nd Volume |
Press and release the right arrow until “SP-17 2ND VOLUME” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow, or product buttons, to select the desired 2nd volume. NOTE: By setting a 2nd volume in the controls, 2 volumes can now be chosen by pressing the program button twice during normal opera- tion. One volume setting shows in the left display (NONE to 10; 10 being the loudest) and the seconds volume shows in the right display. To select the volume, press “✓” button under the desired volume. |
SP-18 Energy Save Mode |
Press and release the right arrow until “SP-18 ENERGY SAVE EN- ABLED?” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow to choose “YES” or “NO”. If set to “YES”, during times of non-use, the fryer automatically starts an Energy Save Mode, which turns off the blowers. Then once a product is selected to start a cook cycles, the blowers and heat come back on. If set to “NO”, the blowers are on constantly. |
SP-19 Fryer Type |
Press and release the right arrow until “SP-19 FRYER TYPE” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow to choose “GAS” or “ELEC”. |
SP-20 Vat Type |
Press and release the right arrow until “SP-20 VAT TYPE” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow to choose “SPLIT” or “FULL”. |
SP-21 Auto-Lift Enabled |
Press and release the right arrow until “SP-21 AUTOLIFT ENABLED?” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow to choose “YES LIFT” or “NO LIFT”. If fryer is fitted with the auto-lift option, SP-21 must be set to “YES LIFT”, otherwise, set SP-21 to “NO LIFT”. |
SP-22 Bulk Oil Supply |
Press and release the right arrow until “SP-22 BULK OIL SUPPLY?” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow to choose “YES SUPL” or “NO SUPL”. Set to “YES” if the oil is pumped into the vat from an outside oil reservoir. Otherwise, set SP-22 to “NO”. |
SP-23 Bulk Oil Disposal |
Press and release the right arrow until “SP-23 BULK OIL DISPOSE?” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow to choose “YES DISP” or “NO DISP”. Set to “YES DISP” if the oil is pumped from the vats to an outside oil reservoir when discarding the oil. Otherwise, set SP-23 to “NO DISP”. |
SP-24 Serial Number Log |
Press and release the right arrow until “SP-24 S/N ✓EDIT” flashes in the displays, along with the serial number of the unit. NOTE: This serial number should match the serial number on the data plate, on the doors. If not, it can be recorded. |
SP-25 Program Code Change |
This allows the operator to change the program code (factory set at 1, 2, 3) used to access Product Programming and Level 2 Program Mode. Press and release the right arrow until “SP-25 CHANGE MGR CODE? 1=YES” flashes in the display. Press product 1 and “ENTER NEW CODE” “P=DONE” “I=QUIT” scrolls through the display. Press the prod- uct buttons for new code. If satisfied with the code, press the program button and “REPEAT NEW CODE” “P=DONE” “I=QUIT” displays. Enter the same code you previously entered. If satisfied with code, press the program button and “CODE CHANGED*” displays. If not satisfied with code, press the info button and “*CAN- CEL*” displays, then reverts back to “SP-25” “CHANGE MGR CODE? 1=YES”. Now the above steps can be repeated. |
SP-26 Usage Code Change |
This allows the operator to change the reset usage code (factory set at 1, 2, 3) to reset the usage amounts of each product. See in . Press and release the right arrow until “SP-26 CHANGE USAGE CODE? 1=YES” flashes in the display. Press product 1 and “ENTER NEW CODE” “P=DONE” “I=QUIT” scrolls through display. Press product but- tons for new code. If satisfied with code, press the program button and “REPEAT NEW CODE” “P=DONE” “I=QUIT” shows in the display. Enter the previously entered code. If satisfied with code, press the program button , “*CODE CHANGED*” displays. If not satisfied with code, press the info button and “*CANCEL*” displays the re- verts back to “SP-26” “CHANGE USAGE CODE? 1=YES”. Now the above steps can be repeated. |
SP-27 Dispose Requires Code? |
Press and release the right arrow and “SP-27 DISPOSE REQUIRES CODE?” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow to choose “YES” or “NO”. If set to “YES”, code 1, 2, 3, must be entered to discard the oil from the vat using the Dispose Mode. |
SP-28 Longer Fill Time |
Press and release the right arrow until ”SP-28 LONGER FILL TIME EN- ABLED?” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow to choose “YES” or “NO”. |
SP-29 Let User Exit Fill |
Press and release the right arrow until ”SP-29 LET USER EXIT FILL” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow to choose “YES” or “NO”. If “YES” is chosen, the user can exit the Express Filter™ fill operation. |
SP-30 Skip “SKIM” Prompt |
Press and release the right arrow until ”SP-30 SKIP ‘SKIM’ PROMPT?” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow to choose “YES” or “NO”. |
SP-31 2-Stage Wash Enabled |
Press and release the right arrow until ”SP-31 2-STAGE WASH EN- ABLED?” flashes in the left display. Press the up or down arrow to choose “YES” or “NO”. |