Action Buttons
The functions of the action buttons can vary based on the nature of the currently displayed setting:
Arrow buttons are used to navigate (step through) programmable items.
Small triangle symbols highlight the value of the currently displayed item.
Number buttons, or plus and minus buttons (+,-) are used to change the value of the currently displayed item.
Numeric values are entered calculator style using the number buttons.
Alphanumeric text values are entered using the number buttons to select characters from a scrolling list of all available characters for the currently active language.
Multiple-choice items, where two or more predefined options are available, are selected by using the plus and minus buttons (+,-) to scroll through the list of available options. For example, the plus and minus buttons (+,-) might be used to choose Yes or No for a particular setting, or to choose On or Off, or to step through a list of several options like English, French, German, Spanish, etc.