Lid Operation

Burn Risk

To avoid severe burns:

  • The lid handle must be fully latched prior to starting a cook cycle.

  • Do not lift the handle until pressure gauge reads 0 PSI.

  • Do not operate unit without all lid components installed and lid cover in place.

  • Do not tamper with any component of the lid’s locking mechanism.


If lid becomes difficult to operate, stop using the fryer and call for service. Cables need replaced.

Lower the handle before attempting to raise the lid, or damage to the lid could result.

TRAINING: Do NOT slam the lid down.

Closing the Lid

There is one mechanical lid latch on the front of the fry vat that keeps the lid in the down position.

  1. Slide the loaded multi-tray rack assembly on to the carrier ensuring the rack is centered.
  2. Lower the carrier until the front lid latch snaps in to the locked position.

Opening the Lid

There is one mechanical lid latch on the front of the fry vat that keeps the lid in the doawn poaition.

  1. Put on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  2. Hold down on the carrier handle firmly.
  3. Push the lid latch to release the carrier and multi-tray rack assembly.
  4. Slowly allow the carrier to raise the multi-tray rack assembly up and out of the hot oil.