Initial Oil Fill

Read all the Warnings and Notices, and then proceed to Purging the Oil Lines.

Overflow Risk

  • The oil may be stirred only during the morning start up procedure. Do not stir the oil at any other time.

  • Moisture and cracklings settles to the bottom of the vat during normal operation. Manually stirring the oil brings the water and hot oil into contact.

  • Ensure the fryer is level.

  • Ensure the oil is at the appropriate level. Oil should never be above the upper vat “fill” line.

  • Ensure the gas control valve and burners are properly adjusted. (Gas units only)

  • Failure to follow these instructions can result in oil overflowing the vat which could cause serious burns, personal injury, fire, and/or property damage.

To avoid personal injury and fire, ensure that oil completely covers heating elements or gas burner tubes.

Do not bypass the Melt Cycle. The type of oil being used in the fryer determines the amount of heat applied during the Melt Cycle. If the controls are set to the Solid setting, less heat is applied to the solid oil than if the controls were set to Liquid. Too much heat applied to solid oil causes much smoking, and could cause a fire. Match this setting to the type of oil being used at the time. When using new solid oil, it is recommended to melt the solid oil on an outside source before placing oil in the vat.

NOTICE!: Solid oil is not recommended as it can cause clogging and pump failure.


Prior to use, thoroughly clean unit as described in Operator's Manual.

KFC standards library instructions for filtering must be followed. Failure to follow these procedures will result in severe damage to the vat and heating elements causing sticking and burning of cracklings. The cracklings will not be acceptable for gravy and oil life will be greatly reduced.

Purging the Oil Lines

Before filling the vat with frying oil for the first time, purge the oil lines to ensure all water or mineral oil is removed. Also wipe out the vat to remove dust or other debris.

  1. Turn the unit on.

  2. Press and hold the menu button until *MAIN* displays.

  3. Select 1. FILTER from the menu.

  4. Press the menu button once. The 6. FILL menu displays.

  5. Press the menu button once. The 5. FILL menu displays.

  6. Select 6. FILL from the menu. The fill pot (vat) menu displays.

  7. Select 5. FILL from the menu. The fill pot (vat) menu displays.

  8. Press and hold PUMP (hold). Oil pumps in to the vat.

  9. Release the PUMP (hold) button when lines are purged.

  10. Wipe out the vat with a clean disposable towel.

Manually Filling the Vat

  1. The vat has 2 level indicator lines inscribed on the rear wall. The upper line is the fill limit for hot oil. The lower line is the fill limit for cold oil.

  2. Fill the vat with cold new oil to the lower limit line.

  3. Power on the unit to begin normal operation.

Bulk Filling the Vat

If you have a bulk oil supply system connected to the appliance you can fill the vat using the control panel. The vat has 2 level indicator lines inscribed on the rear wall. The upper line is the fill limit for hot oil. The lower line is the fill limit for cold oil.

  1. Turn the unit on.

  2. Press and hold the menu button until *MAIN* displays.

  3. Select 1. FILTER from the menu.

  4. Press the menu button once. The 6. FILL menu displays

  5. Press the menu button once. The 5. FILL menu displays
  6. Select 6. FILL from the menu. The fill pot (vat) menu displays.

  7. Select 5. FILL from the menu. The fill pot (vat) menu displays.

  8. Press and hold PUMP (hold). Oil pumps in to the vat.

  9. Release the PUMP (hold) button when the oil reaches the oil line.