Performing the Initial Start-up

  1. Note the serial number on the data decal at the top of the unit, for each unit.

  2. Link

    QR Code

    Warranty Registration
  3. Click the Link or scan the QR Code to access the Warranty Registration page, and complete the registration.

Configure Settings

Navigation: Home > Settings. See Operating Controls.

Changes require a manager PIN (Password), which is 1122 by default. Use the Lock icon to unlock a setting before a change, and then lock after the change(s) are completed. Some settings require a swipe down and some a swipe left. From the Home screen, tap the Cabinet Settings menu (icon).

To ensure the UHC is set up for first time use, perform the following steps.

Step Action Navigation Resources
1 Select the date, time, time format (12 / 24), time zone, daylight savings time Home > Cabinet Setting > Calendar (swipe left once)

Changing the Calendar

2 Select the languages that can be toggled from the operations time screen (Home > Go) Home > Cabinet Setting > Languages (swipe left twice)

Selecting Languages

3 Select Fahrenheit or Celsius Home > Cabinet Setting > Fahrenheit or Celsius (swipe down)

Changing the Temperature Unit

4 Select the sound level Home > Cabinet Setting > Sound Level (swipe down)

Changing the Sound Level

5 Add or Modify a Product Menu Item Home > Recipe Book > Product

Adding or Modifying a Product Menu Item


Edit the Day Part Assignment

Home > Recipe Book > Day Part

Edit the Day Part Assignment